A few weeks back a purchased this single, beat up end table at a thrift store that I just knew had promise.
Though it was quite beat up and drab, it was in very sturdy condition. So, I got the paint brushes out and went to town. I used Alaskan Tundra Green for the body and Omaha Ochre for the drawer and stenciling. Some things to take note of about this piece is that the top was quite shiny and the other areas were a mix of shiny and wear. If I had to start over again, I have to say that I may have sanded this baby down just a little bit prior to painting – nothing extreme, but just a little once over.
I waxed the entire table, with the exception of the top and two shelves. I ended up doing a satin finish on those because I wanted to seal in my stencil work. When I waxed the shelves, some really strange patterns took place and it looked like the Satin Finish was literally wiping off the paint. So, I just walked away and ignored it (very calmly, I might add).
Thank goodness, when I came back later – after the Satin Finish had completely dried – it looked totally normal. Whew! And this is my After picture 🙂